Welcome to Linguamid

In Linguamid, I teach both Spoken Egyptian and MSA in a simple, direct and stepwise approach.

Spoken Egyptian is very important if you want to communicate on daily basis not only in Egypt, but in most Arab countries as well. If your interest is to read and follow the news or formal events you need MSA. Whatever you decide, you will hit the ground running with my approach. I offer free online courses and paid services for both variants.

My recommendation: Enrol now in my free courses and decide for yourself

How to Start a Successful Journey with Spoken Egyptian and/or MSA?

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and check all my useful and 100% free content about spoken Egyptian dialect and MSA

Enroll in my free courses

Egyptian Arabic 101 free course Linguamid

Join now and build a solid foundation of the powerful spoken Egyptian dialect of Cairo

MSA 101 eBook Linguamid

Join now and build a solid foundation of the amazing Modern Standard Arabic

Learn Top 100 Daily Phrases in Both Spoken Egyptian and MSA on the Go

100 Daily Spoken Egyptian Phrases Pack

100 Essential Phrases in Egyptian Arabic - Linguamid

100 Daily-communication phrases in spoken Egyptian dialect of Cairo (English, Roman- and Arabic Script) categorized into a variety of daily situations along with my pronunciation

100 Daily MSA Phrases Pack 

100 Daily-communication phrases in Modern Standard Arabic (English, Roman- and Arabic Script) categorized into a variety of daily situations along with my pronunciation

Introducing my premium, all-in-one online course

Egyptian Arabic Accelerator 

Inclusive premium course package to master the powerful spoken Egyptian of Cairo

Lifetime access

4 hours of recorded video lectures

Unlimited weekly Zoom conversation sessions

Massive library of weekly session recordings   

Written material (lessons, exercises and exams)

Access to all my premium digital products

Access to member FB group

24/7 chat support

Introducing my premium, all-in-one online course

MSA Accelerator: Beginner Companion

Beginner's Ultimate Guide to Learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)

Lifetime access

Growing content

Unlock access to all my premium digital products

Access to member FB group

24/7 chat support

Read More about the Spoken Egyptian and the Egyptian Culture

Latest Articles from my Blog

arabic with hamid linguamid

About me

My name is Hamid Mostafa. I am the admin and owner of the YouTube channel 'Lingaumid', Facebook page 'arabicwithhamid', and website 'arabicwithamid.com. I was born in Cairo, Egypt, and started my online journey teaching MSA on YouTube in 2017. After MSA, I widened the scope of my tutoring to include the spoken Egyptian dialect of Cairo, which helped thousands of students communicate not only in Egypt but the entire Arab world. I currently teach both language variations online via my YouTube channel and Teachable platforms. Not only will you be able to speak the powerful spoken Egyptian fast, but you will also learn with me MSA the easy way, dive into the amazing Egyptian culture and acquire wonderful insights about Egyptian traditions and customs. You will also know how to use this knowledge to effectively integrate within the Egyptian and Arab communities.

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